901 逻辑实证主义:logic positivism
902 ERP选型:ERP selection
903 世界科学中心:world science center
904 科学史学:historiography of science
905 芬伯格:Andrew Feenberg
906 量子力学解释:interpretation of quantum mechanics
907 舆论动力学:opinion dynamics
908 人类动力学:human dynamics
909 科学进步:Science progress
910 科学论:science studies
911 Gamma过程:Gamma process
912 群体选择:group selection
913 行动者网络理论:Actor-Network Theory
914 研发联盟:R&D alliances
915 吴文俊:WU Wen-jun
916 择优连接:preferential attachment
917 潜无限:potential infinity
918 揭暄:Jie Xuan
919 复杂性管理:complexity management
920 商谈伦理:discourse ethics
921 心身问题:mind-body problem
922 卡西尔:Ernst Cassirer
923 生活实践:living practice
924 形神:shape and spirit
925 工程知识:engineering knowledge
926 能量流:energy flows
927 技术合理性:technical rationality
928 特征谱:Characteristic spectrum
929 GM(1,1):GM (1,1)
930 离差最大化:maximum deviation
931 灰色GM(1,1)模型:gray GM(1,1) model
932 指挥体系:command system
933 生产可能集:production technology
934 废弃物处理:Waste management
935 系统特征:systematic features
936 人与自然和谐:harmony between human and nature
937 组合预测模型:combination prediction model
938 原子模型:atom model
939 预测能力:forecasting ability
940 相对转动:Relative rotation
941 驱动势:driving potential
942 公理化体系:Axiomatic system
943 原因剖析:cause analysis
944 疾病传播:epidemic spreading
945 人机互动:human-computer interaction
946 冗余度分析:redundancy analysis
947 偏联系数:Partial connection number
948 SEIR模型:SEIR model
949 科学理性:scientific ration
950 测评体系:assessment system