801 卫星钟差:satellite clock bias
802 灰序列:grey series
803 科学传统:Scientific tradition
804 新文化史:new cultural history
805 强化缓冲算子:strengthening buffer operator
806 技术批判理论:critical theory of technology
807 科学编史学:historiography of science
808 诺贝尔物理学奖:the Nobel Prize in Physics
809 经验证据:empirical evidence
810 技术观:view of technology
811 技术的本质:the essence of technology
812 因果:cause and effect
813 生物学哲学:Philosophy of biology
814 非自治Lotka-Volterra系统:Nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra system
815 概念形成:concept formation
816 李淳风:Li Chunfeng
817 物理时间:physical time
818 主体性原则:subjective principle
819 产业技术创新:industrial technology innovation
820 学科文化:disciplinary culture
821 科学与宗教:science and religion
822 中国问题:Chinese problem
823 裂区设计:Split-plot design
824 非战争军事行动:non-war military operations
825 混合逻辑动态模型:mixed logic dynamic model
826 现代技术:Modern techniques
827 技术环境:technical environment
828 新陈代谢模型:information renewal model
829 层次分析(AHP):analytic hierarchy process(AHP)
830 技术实践:technical practice
831 持久:stress rupture
832 主体结构:main body structure
833 GM(1.1)模型:GM(1.1) model
834 生存方式:mode of existence
835 解法:solution method
836 学科分类:subject classification
837 白化权函数:Whitening weight function
838 动态仿真系统:dynamic simulation system
839 对流-弥散方程:Convection-dispersion equation
840 连锁反应:chain reaction
841 工程思维:Engineering thinking
842 非线性时变系统:nonlinear time varying system
843 科学本质:scientific essence
844 武器装备体系:weapon equipment system
845 保障性评价:supportability assessment
846 舰艇编队:formation of ship
847 电网公司:power grid company
848 目标分群:target grouping
849 模糊TOPSIS:fuzzy TOPSIS
850 电力负荷预测:electric load forecasting