1901 能量成型端口受控法:energy-shaping method and port-controlled Hamiltonian(PCH) theory
1902 行为等价:behavioral equivalences
1903 海军特种作战:Naval Special Operation
1904 知识相对论:knowledge relativity
1905 术语教育:terminology education
1906 术语意识:terminology awareness
1907 结构测度:the structure measurement
1908 加权和折扣:weighted sum by discounting-and-averaging
1909 矩阵灰色绝对关联度:matrix absolute grey relation degree
1910 矩阵灰色关联分析:matrix grey relation analysis
1911 最佳说明:best explanation
1912 技术意象:technology's images
1913 社会基质:social matrix
1914 降水量指标:Precipitation index
1915 交互认识论:interactive epistemology
1916 统一科学运动:the Unity of Science Movement
1917 深层秩序:deep order
1918 弱渗透:weak ladenness
1919 强渗透:strong ladenness
1920 技术化的身体:technologized body
1921 肉身实在论:corporeal realism
1922 伦理重构:reconstruction of ethic
1923 分析的技术哲学:analytical philosophy of technology
1924 工程设计哲学:philosophy of engineering design
1925 英国皇家工程院:The Royal Academy of Engineering
1926 空穴序列:vacant data series
1927 投影错位同步:projective dislocated synchronization
1928 错误偏离值:deviation value of mistakes
1929 未来在场:the presence of future
1930 岩矿数据:data of rock and mineral analysis
1931 灰色误差:gray errors
1932 私家车总量:amount of private cars
1933 目标威胁评估:target threat assessment
1934 数字化装甲团:digital armored regiment
1935 舰炮火控设备故障诊断:fault diagnosis fire control equipment of naval gun
1936 《四时纂要》:Outline of the Four Seasons(Sishi Zuanyao)
1937 韩鄂:Han E
1938 庚款生:Boxer Indemnity students
1939 多个体时滞网络系统:delayed networked multi-agent systems
1940 固定和切换拓扑:fixed and switching topology
1941 脉冲增益:impulsive gain
1942 对海射击:fire to sea
1943 附加性要求:additional requirement
1944 西洋火炮:Western cannon
1945 《西法神机》:Xifa Shenji(Western Firearms Masterpieces)
1946 《火攻挈要》:Huogong Qieyao(Basic Skills of Firearms Attack)
1947 扩展几何过程:an extended geometric process
1948 密度加权平均组合评价算子:density weighted averaging operator for combined evaluation
1949 密度集结算子:density aggregation operator
1950 甄别奖惩:discriminating rewards and punishment