1751 境况分析法:The situational analysis method
1752 MGM(1,n):MGM (1,n)
1753 方法论价值:methodological value
1754 企业主体地位:core status of enterprise
1755 复杂性方法论:Computational Approach
1756 无缝之网:seamless web
1757 可拓区间数:Extension interval numbers
1758 空域安全:Airspace Safety
1759 思维技术:thought technology
1760 煤炭多联产:coal poly-generation
1761 后现代科学观:post-modern science concept
1762 交往合理化:Contacts rationalization
1763 历史解释学:historical hermeneutics
1764 综合绩效评价:Integrative Performance Evaluation
1765 默顿学派:Merton school
1766 质测:Material measurement
1767 人际关系网:network of interpersonal relationship
1768 消错学:Error Eliminating Theory
1769 考核主体:Around Performance
1770 默顿规范:scientific ethos
1771 留美学生:Chinese students studying in U. S. A
1772 人性化原则:Humanization Principles
1773 迪昂:Pierre Duhem
1774 技术认知:technology perception
1775 面向控制的辨识:Identification for control
1776 时间节点:times node
1777 平均场方法:mean field method
1778 人的延伸:the extension of self
1779 文化解释学:cultural hermeneutics
1780 意向的因果性:intentional causation
1781 反向累积法:Back cumulative-sum method
1782 白化方程:white differential equation
1783 扩散熵分析:diffusion entropy analysis
1784 超国家科学:Supranational Science
1785 判决性反驳:Decisive Refutation
1786 自然编码:natural coding
1787 《大众科学月刊》:"Popular Science Monthly"
1788 银行服务渠道:the service channel of bank
1789 夹角度量法:Angle Measure Evaluation Method
1790 整体知识论:holistic theory of testability of meaning
1791 同时发现:coordinate expression
1792 地下指挥所:underground headquarter
1793 严格检验:tightened inspection
1794 格式塔转换:gestalt switch
1795 实验物理学家:an experimental physicist
1796 理性之光:The Light of Ration
1797 记忆增强型优化:mnemonic enhancement optimization
1798 高炉煤气余压发电:top gas pressure recovery turbine unit
1799 区域对接:Regional Connection
1800 布尔向量数据:Boolean vector data