2001 作战行为:combat behavior
2002 装备保障对象:equipment support object
2003 汽车维修分队保障能力:Vehicle maintain uint's support ability
2004 梯形FAHP:Trapezia FAHP
2005 关键变量分离原理:key-term separation principle
2006 技术本质观:view of technological essence
2007 知识论哲学:knowledge philosophy
2008 技术思想史:history of technological ideologies
2009 技术与伦理:technology and ethics
2010 技术本体论:ontology of technology
2011 人与机器的共生:Symbiosis of man together with machinery
2012 确定性复杂网络:Deterministic complexity network
2013 逐层打击:"Layer by layer to combat"
2014 作战资源:Combat resource
2015 激进的历史主义:radical historicism
2016 古德曼悖论:Goodman Paradox
2017 约瑟夫·劳斯:Joseph Rouse
2018 教材出版质量:textbooks' publishing quality
2019 近代中华科学文化:modern Chinese scientific culture
2020 装备保障方案:Equipment Safeguard Plan
2021 脆性树:brittle tree
2022 时间费用综合值:time-cost integrated value
2023 武器装备需求论证:equipment requirement demonstration
2024 综合微观分析:synthetic microanalytic approach
2025 变权缓冲算子:Buffer Operators with Variable Weight
2026 几何变权缓冲算子:Geometry Buffer Operator with Variable Weight
2027 国家与国际组织:nation and international organization
2028 科学社会建制:social institution of science
2029 岭南实证:practice in Lingnan
2030 随机模拟求解:stochastic simulation solution
2031 自主式评价:self-determination evaluation
2032 人名译名词典:dictionary of name translation
2033 译名规范化:standardization of translation
2034 科学史名词:the history of science terms
2035 间作稻:inter-cropping rice
2036 Grey集和grey关系:grey sets and grey relations
2037 格Θ(I):lattice Θ(I)
2038 Grey算子:grey operators
2039 语言值运算:operations on linguistic values
2040 可溶性社会结构:fluxible structure
2041 科学的社会效应:scientific social effect
2042 生物界的辩证法:dialectics of the orgamism kindom
2043 协同联动:cooperatation and linkage
2044 为国服务:serving the country
2045 科学群:scientific disciplinary system
2046 自然辩证法史:the history of natural dialectics
2047 自然辩证法学科:the subject of dialectics of nature
2048 自然辩证法逻辑:the logic of dialectics of nature
2049 自然辩证法发展:the development of dialectics of nature
2050 北极格陵兰:Greenland of Arctic