助燃物:combustion-supporting materials
助燃空气:combustion air
住宅洒水喷头:residential fire sprinkler
住宅建设:housing construction
住宅火灾探测器:residential fire detector
住宅火灾:home fire
住宅和车库:homes and garages
住宅房地产:residential real estate
住宅单元:residence unit
住院津贴:hospitalization benefits
住房和城市发展部:Department of Housing and Urban Development
拄状:filled column
主元件:main unit
主要城市建筑官员协会:AMCBO;Association of Major City Building Official
主要避难通道:primary means of escape
主悬梁:master console
主消防系统:fire main system
主通道:main passageway
主配电箱:main panel box
主瞭望台:primary lookout
主控装置:master unit
主控制装置:master control set
主机通信:main-machine communication
主机谈话:main-machine conversation
主环形存储:main ring
主管的:in charge
主断路器:main breaker
主动消防系统:active fire protection system
主动式烟气控制系统:active smoke control system
主动灭火:active fire control
主动进攻灭火:aggressive attack
主动防火:active fire mitigation
主动多工制:active multiplex system
主出入口:main entrance and exit
主报警电路:primary alarm circuit
逐步分流式水带铺设:progressive hose lay
烛树皮:candle bark
骤燃:flare up
肘关节蜂窝织炎:beat elbow
轴锁:axle lock
轴螺纹:male thread
轴功率:shaft power
轴承温度报警器:bearing temperature alarm
周围视觉:peripheral vision
周围空气:ambient air,ambinet temperature,surrouding air
周期性震动:periodic vibration