中国共产主义青年团:Communist Youth League of China
中国共产党中央委员会:Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
中国共产党(中共):Communist Party of China (CPC)
中国公共安全杂志社:China Public Security Publisher
中国工程院:Chinese Academy of Engineering
中国歌剧研究会:Chinese Opera Research Institute
中国福利会:China Welfare Institute
中国佛教协会:Chinese Buddhists Association
中国翻译工作者协会:Translators Association of China
中国法律质询中心:Chinese Legal Consultancy Centre
中国法律会:China Law Society
中国独特的传统饮食:Unique Traditional Chinese Foods
中国电影家协会:China Film Association
中国电视艺术家协会:Chinese Television Artists Association
中国道教协会:Chinese Taoist Association
中国传统医学,中医:TCM traditional Chinese medicine
中国出口商品交易会(广交会):China Export Commodities Fair (Guangzhou Fair)
中国出版协会:Chinese Publishers Association
中国长城:the Great Wall of Chinav
中国残疾人福利基金会:China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped
中国笔会中心:Chinese Pen Centre
中国保险监督管理委员会(保监会):CIRC China Insurance Regulatory Commission
中国奥林匹克委员会:China Olympic Committee
中关村科技园区:Zhongguancun Science Park
中共十五大:the 15th National Congress of the CPC
中非关税经济同盟:Central African Customs and Economic Union/CEUCA
中短期贷款:Short and medium term loans
中度破坏:moderate damage
中东及波斯湾地区:Middle-East and Persian Gulf Region
中长期担保:MLTG medium-and-long-term guarantee
中长期贷款:Medium to Long Term Loan
滞销商品:dead stock
滞销货:unmarketable (unsalable .poor selling)product
滞纳利息:Default interest
滞纳金、滞纳利息(货物税):Amount of Belated Payment and Belated Interest(Commodity Tax)
滞留收入:blocked income
滞后影响:Retardation Influence
滞洪区:flood detention zone
滞报金、怠报金:Amount of Belated Reporting and Non-reporting(Commodity tax)
滞报金(营利事业所得税):Non-reporting Surcharge(Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax)
智囊团、思想库:the brain trust;think tank
智力引进:importation of intelligence
智力成果:intellectual achievement
致谢,感谢:tks. thanks
致命要害:Achilles' heel