仲裁者;裁判;参考;呈递:ref. referee;reference;refer(red)
仲裁协议:arbitral agreement
仲裁协定:arbitration agreement
仲裁裁决:arbitration award
仲裁案件:arbitration case
种族构成:ethnic composition
种子资金融通:Seed financing
种类之债:indefinite obligation
种类繁多:multiplicity of products
终止权:Termination right
终止劳动关系:terminate labor relation
终止赌博:kill a bet
终审权:right of adjudication;right of giving final approval
终身职务制:life-long tenure
终身俸:Life-time Pension
终点站:end stop,terminal,terminal station
终点控制区:terminal control area
中专生:Secondary specialized school students
中庸:golden mean
中央组织部:Organization Department,CCCPC
中央综治委"严打"整治斗争检查组:Strike-hard Campaign Inspection Group of Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security.
中央直属机关工作委员会:Work Committee for Offices Directly under the CCCPC
中央政治局常务委员会:Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC
中央政治局:the Political Bureau of CPC
中央政法委员会:Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs,CCCPC
中央政策研究室:Policy Research Office,CCCPC
中央预算:budget of central government
中央银行的中立性:neutrality of the central bank
中央银行的往来银行:banks with business dealing with the cen
中央银行:central bank
中央宣传部:Publicity Department,CCCPC
中央消防局局长:OC Central Fire Station
中央系统型冷气机:Central Air Conditioning Units
中央文献研究室:The central literature research center
中央维修基地主任:Commander Central Maintenance Base
中央外文出版发行事业局:China Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration
中央统战部:United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee
中央统一战线部:United Front Work Department,CCCPC
中央台湾工作委员会:Taiwan Affairs Office,CCCPC
中央书记处:Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPC
中央军事委员会:Central Military Commission of the CPC
中央经济工作会议:the Central Economic Working Conference
中央结算及交收系统:Central Clearing & Settlement System
中央纪律检查委员会:Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC