直接负债:Direct liability
直接贷款:direct loan
直接存款/存账指示:Direct Credit Instruction (DCI)
直接筹资租赁:direct financing lease
直接冲销法:direct charge-off method
直接成本盈利性分析:direct costing profitability analysis
直接成本计算:direct costing
直接产品盈利性/利润率:direct product profitability (DPP)
直接材料成本差异:direct material variance
直接标价:direct quotes
直接(对角)套汇:direct exchange
直到取消为止:t.f. till forbid
直驳光纤:dark fibre
执照行动签发官:Operations Officer Licensing
执照签发及执法科:Licensing and Enforcement Branch
执业证年检:annual inspection of lawyer license
执业申请:practice application
执业范围:scope of nursing practice
执业登记:registration for practice
执行终结:The finality of execution
执行中止:suspension of execution
执行摘要:executive summary
执行异议:opposition to execution
执行业务者帐簿验印申请书:Application Form for the Examination of the Account Books of Professional Practitioners
执行业务者使用机器记帐申请书:Application Form by Professional Practitioners for the Use of Electronic Bookkeeping
执行业务者:Practitioner of Profession
执行业务所得:Income from Professional Practice
执行通货紧缩政策:pursue a deflationary policy (the policy of deflation)
执行庭:executive tribunal
执行日:exercise date
执行名义:basis of enforcement
执行价;行使价:Strike price
执行回转:enforcement correction
执行顾问:Executive Consultant
执行工作队:Implementation Task Force
执行董事会,执行委员会:board of executive director
执行逮捕:execution of arrest
执行程序:Executive Procedure
执行笔录:execution record
执法组组长:Officer-in-Charge Enforcement Section
知识密集型产业:knowledge-intensive industry
知识经济:knowledge economy
知识的根源:sources of knowledge
知识产权组主任:Head Intellectual Property Rights
知识产权庭:intellectual property tribunal