451 语言判断矩阵:linguistic judgment matrix
452 多重休假:multiple vacation
453 算子半群:operator semigroup
454 三角模:triangular norm
455 光滑度:smooth degree
456 开放社会:open society
457 技术知识:technical knowledge
458 自然技术:natural technology
459 哲学革命:philosophical revolution
460 平均场:mean field
461 新装备:new equipment
462 战斗力:combat effectiveness
463 自助法:Bootstrap Method
464 科学史:science history
465 ARX模型:ARX model
466 斜投影:oblique projection
467 心电信号:ECG Signals
468 应急保障:emergency support
469 随机梯度:stochastic gradient
470 金属风暴:metal storm
471 方案排序:alternative ranking
472 价值合理性:value rationality
473 技术革命:technological revolution
474 可能世界:Possible Worlds
475 明治维新:Meiji Restoration
476 科学解释:scientific explanation
477 两种文化:two cultures
478 解释力:explanatory power
479 苏东坡:Su Dongpo
480 方法论个人主义:methodological individualism
481 驰豫时间:Relaxation time
482 文化观念:cultural concept
483 灰色评价:gray evaluation
484 实时计算:real-time calculation
485 平均寿命:average life
486 信息网络:information net
487 耦合机制:coupling mechanism
488 社会条件:social condition
489 常规导弹:conventional missile
490 加权马尔可夫链:weighted Markov chain
491 李亚普诺夫指数:lyapunov exponent
492 非线性网络:nonlinear network
493 意识形态批判:Ideological Criticism
494 科学技术哲学:philosophy of science and technology
495 社会科学哲学:philosophy of social science
496 实际应用:actual application
497 灰熵:grey entropy
498 研究技术:Investigative Techniques
499 耗散结构理论:theory of dissipative structure
500 古代哲学:ancient philosophy