651 产业哲学:philosophy of industry
652 科学隐喻:scientific metaphor
653 发展逻辑:development logic
654 逻辑经验主义:logical empiricism
655 知识分析:knowledge analysis
656 感性活动:perceptual activity
657 地方知识:local knowledge
658 科技哲学:philosophy of science and technology
659 农产品质量安全:quality and safety of agricultural products
660 触发机制:triggering mechanism
661 人误:human error
662 自适应网络:adaptive network
663 人文文化:humanity culture
664 目标规划:object programming
665 面向对象Petri网:object-oriented Petri net
666 混沌边缘:edge of chaos
667 禁区:forbidden zone
668 演化模型:evolutionary model
669 对数函数:Logarithm function
670 等级结构:Grade structure
671 科技史:history of science and technology
672 保税港区:Bonded Port
673 服务半径:service radius
674 证据组合:evidence combination
675 灰色预测控制:grey prediction control
676 包装系统:packaging system
677 契约关系:contract relationship
678 宇宙观:world view
679 投标文件:bidding document
680 成语:set phrase
681 设计哲学:design philosophy
682 多状态系统:multi-state system
683 滑动DFT:Sliding DFT
684 标度行为:scaling behavior
685 网络搜索:web search
686 坦克分队:tank element
687 耦合映像格子:coupled map lattice
688 通信网络系统:communication network system
689 培根:Francis Bacon
690 电路实现:circuit realization
691 五四时期:the May 4th movement
692 亲缘选择:Kin selection
693 强纲领:strong program
694 后现代科学:postmodern science
695 家族相似:family resemblance
696 近代哲学:modern philosophy
697 相继故障:cascading failure
698 队形保持:formation keeping
699 多元时间序列:multivariate time series
700 选择原则:choice principle