551 简牍:Bamboo slips
552 人类解放:human emancipation
553 哈密尔顿圈:Hamiltonian cycle
554 西方科学:western science
555 优秀教师:excellent teacher
556 发明问题解决理论:theory of inventive problem solving
557 故障树分析法:fault tree analysis(FTA)
558 CCR模型:CCR model
559 DPSIR模型:DPSIR model
560 局部结构:local structure
561 简谐振动:simple harmonic oscillation
562 科学创新:science innovation
563 神经网络专家系统:Neural network expert system
564 最优组合:Optimal combination
565 非逻辑思维:non-logical thinking
566 软系统方法论:soft system methodology
567 训练质量:training quality
568 记分函数:score function
569 模糊基函数:fuzzy basis function
570 四象限变流器:4-quadrant converter
571 毁伤评估:damage assessment
572 结构化方法:structured method
573 舰炮武器系统:naval gun weapon system
574 高职毕业生:Higher Vocational Graduates
575 语境分析:context analysis
576 自组织系统:self-organization system
577 数学哲学:philosophy of mathematics
578 第一生产力:The first productive force
579 外显知识:explicit knowledge
580 问题域:problem domain
581 纤维丛:fibre bundle
582 渐进性创新:incremental innovation
583 17世纪:17th Century
584 产业网络:industrial network
585 批判理性主义:critical rationalism
586 感官质量:Smoking quality
587 模糊划分:fuzzy division
588 中国专利:chinese patent
589 协商理论:bargaining theory
590 隐喻思维:Metaphor thinking
591 指挥决策:command decision
592 火箭助飞鱼雷:rocket-assisted torpedo
593 航母编队:aircraft carrier formation
594 符号运算:symbolic operation
595 DEA有效性:DEA efficiency
596 服务性能:service performance
597 变精度:variable precision
598 人工社会:artificial society
599 兰切斯特方程:lanchester equation
600 后现代文化:postmodern culture