351 科学知识社会学:sociology of scientific knowledge
352 张君劢:Zhang Junmai
353 科学实在论:scientific realism
354 OWA算子:OWA operator
355 可靠性分配:reliability distribution
356 维修保障系统:maintenance support system
357 分岔图:bifurcation diagram
358 平均路径长度:average path length
359 互补判断矩阵:complementary judgment matrix
360 纹理贴图:Texture mapping
361 投影分析:projection analysis
362 模糊测度:fuzzy measures
363 新模型:new model
364 系统发生分析:phylogenetic analysis
365 基因预测:gene prediction
366 模糊多属性决策:fuzzy multiple attribute decision making
367 指控系统:command and control system
368 城市系统:urban system
369 模式发现:pattern discovery
370 灰数:grey number
371 工具书:reference book
372 徐光启:Xu Guangqi
373 戊戌变法:the Reform Movement of 1898
374 动态评估:Dynamic Assessment
375 变量筛选:variable selection
376 Markov决策过程:Markov decision processes
377 预测精度:prediction precision
378 研究成果:Research results
379 鲁棒性分析:robustness analysis
380 交通流量:traffic volume
381 高速客车:high speed passenger car
382 二元语义:two-tuple linguistic
383 协商策略:negotiation strategy
384 GM(1,1)模型:GM (1,1) model
385 加权系数:weighted coefficient
386 实时优化:real-time optimization
387 灰色神经网络:grey neural network
388 对称破缺:Symmetry breaking
389 GM模型:GM Model
390 技术史:History of technology
391 效用分析:Utility analysis
392 系统评估:system evaluation
393 科技革命:science and technology revolution
394 信息作战:Information operation
395 工程哲学:philosophy of engineering
396 模糊互补判断矩阵:fuzzy complementary judgment matrix
397 客观世界:objective world
398 工科数学:engineering mathematics
399 现代物理学:modern physics
400 灰色局势决策:grey situation decision