401 复杂性科学:complex science
402 实验数据:experiment data
403 状态维修:condition based maintenance
404 研究价值:research value
405 控制变量:control variable
406 电力网络:electric power network
407 作战效能评估:operational effectiveness evaluation
408 兰彻斯特方程:Lanchester equation
409 吊放声纳:dipping sonar
410 关键线路:critical path
411 交通建设:traffic construction
412 农业产业结构:agricultural structure
413 综合创新:comprehensive innovation
414 创新扩散:diffusion of innovation
415 脉冲控制:pulse control
416 煤种:coal type
417 评价因子:evaluation factors
418 生灭过程:birth and death process
419 小波脊:wavelet ridge
420 生态观:ecological view
421 约束控制:Constrained control
422 城市用地:urban land use
423 江门市:Jiangmen city
424 数据变换:data transformation
425 公共理性:public rationality
426 社会建构论:social constructionism
427 度量衡:weights and measures
428 身体意象:Body image
429 适定性:well posedness
430 使用可用度:operational availability
431 综合集成研讨厅:hall for workshop of metasynthetic engineering
432 技术系统:technical system
433 理论和方法:theory and method
434 技术哲学:technological philosophy
435 图书馆系统:Library system
436 数学知识:mathematical knowledge
437 社会认识论:Social epistemology
438 技术异化:Technology alienation
439 技术决定论:technological determinism
440 Excel:Microsoft Excel
441 连续时间:continuous time
442 演化机理:evolution mechanism
443 模式搜索法:Pattern search method
444 结构系统:structure system
445 SIS模型:SIS model
446 留学教育:overseas education
447 作战仿真:operation simulation
448 随机加权法:random weighting method
449 系统评估与可行性分析:systematic evaluation and feasibility analysis
450 Swarm仿真:Swarm simulation