151 协同优化:collaborative optimization
152 数理统计学:mathematical statistics
153 集成创新:integrated innovation
154 三角函数:Trigonometric function
155 网络效应:network effect
156 默会知识:tacit knowledge
157 闭环系统:closed-loop system
158 进化心理学:evolutionary psychology
159 威胁评估:threat assessment
160 方案选择:scheme selection
161 科学理论:scientific theory
162 指挥控制:command and control
163 系统效能:system effectiveness
164 可能度:possibility degree
165 构词法:word formation
166 法兰克福学派:Frankfurt school
167 控制论:control theory
168 黄土区:Loess area
169 系统发生树:phylogenetic tree
170 邻接矩阵:adjacent matrix
171 Ising模型:Ising model
172 符号动力学:symbolic dynamics
173 舰空导弹:ship-to-air missile
174 人类社会:human society
175 多传感器数据融合:multi-sensor data fusion
176 钱学森:Qian Xuesen
177 二元关系:binary relation
178 群体决策:group decision-making
179 谱分解:spectral decomposition
180 熵理论:entropy theory
181 毁伤概率:damage probability
182 指数函数:exponential function
183 连续发酵:Continuous fermentation
184 社团结构:community structure
185 自然观:view of nature
186 在线辨识:online identification
187 信息传播:Information dissemination
188 目标分类:target classification
189 五行:five elements
190 似然函数:likelihood function
191 战术互联网:tactical internet
192 问题求解:problem solving
193 研究现状:research actuality
194 幂函数:power function
195 数据场:Data Field
196 模糊信息:fuzzy information
197 时间间隔:time interval
198 人类文明:Human civilization
199 离散时间系统:discrete-time system
200 无向图:undirected graph