251 国防:national defense
252 所有制:system of ownership
253 基本规律:basic law
254 政治文明建设:construction of political civilization
255 学术组织:academic organization
256 政治国家:Political country
257 社会分工:social division of labor
258 基本精神:basic spirit
259 历史必然性:Historical inevitability
260 社会存在:social being
261 物化劳动:materialized labor
262 民主思想:democratic thought
263 阶级分析:class analysis
264 精神生产:spiritual production
265 文化革命:cultural revolution
266 十月革命:October Revolution
267 未来社会:future society
268 文化体制:cultural system
269 政治斗争:political struggle
270 资本逻辑:capital logic
271 实践意义:practical meaning
272 理性批判:rational criticism
273 马克思主义理论:Marxism theory
274 语言特色:language features
275 群众运动:mass movement
276 忧患意识:sense of hardship
277 文本结构:text structure
278 农民问题:Peasant problem
279 网络交往:network communication
280 利益群体:interest groups
281 世界体系:world system
282 人的需要:human needs
283 国家政权:state power
284 综合创新:comprehensive innovation
285 新民主主义社会:new democratic society
286 生态观:ecological view
287 人生价值:Value of life
288 渐进性:asymptotic behavior
289 技术哲学:technological philosophy
290 道德精神:moral spirit
291 人的解放:human liberation
292 中央苏区:the Central Soviet Area
293 社会认识论:Social epistemology
294 技术决定论:technological determinism
295 人格精神:personality spirit
296 执政理念:Ruling Idea
297 世界历史理论:World history theory
298 城乡:City and country
299 公共职能:Public function
300 法制教育:Law education