601 现实批判:realistic criticism
602 平民:common people
603 思想特征:ideological characteristics
604 对外交流:foreign exchange
605 实践本质:Practical essence
606 基本内涵:Fundamental connotation
607 社会主体:social subject
608 主观条件:Subjective condition
609 教育事业:educational undertakings
610 客观原因:objective reason
611 思想解放:mind emancipation
612 文化理论:cultural theories
613 语言逻辑:Language Logic
614 生存困境:Existence dilemma
615 法治社会:legal society
616 积极防御:Active defense
617 农民教育:farmers education
618 当代青年:modern youth
619 务实精神:pragmatic spirit
620 德意志意识形态:German Ideology
621 社会主义和谐文化:socialist harmonious culture
622 需要理论:need theory
623 基本关系:basic relation
624 技术观:view of technology
625 抗战文化:anti-Japanese war culture
626 否定的辩证法:negative dialectics
627 社会解放:social liberation
628 俄国革命:Russian Revolution
629 根本任务:fundamental task
630 主体性原则:subjective principle
631 文化交往:Cultural communication
632 四项基本原则:four cardinal principles
633 启蒙主义:the Enlightenment
634 人民性:affinity to people
635 农民革命:peasant revolution
636 斯大林模式:Stalin model
637 历史起点:historical starting point
638 理论来源:theoretical source
639 执政规律:the ruling law
640 人权理论:human rights theory
641 人口思想:population thought
642 国家治理:state governance
643 分析马克思主义:analytical Marxism
644 国体:State System
645 新哲学:new philosophy
646 自强不息:constantly strive to become stronger
647 政党外交:party diplomacy
648 政治批判:political criticism
649 实践主体:practice subject
650 发展实践:development practice