651 实践诠释:Practical Annotation
652 原因探析:cause analysis
653 区域自治:regional autonomy
654 生存权:existence right
655 人与自然的关系:relationship between man and nature
656 传统理论:Traditional theory
657 综合平衡:comprehensive balance
658 直接过渡:Direct transition
659 东方:the Orient
660 相互转化:Mutual transformation
661 政策理论:policy theory
662 苏联模式:Soviet mode
663 权利平等:Equal Rights
664 实践本体论:Practice Ontology
665 心理特质:psychological characteristics
666 当代启示:contemporary inspiration
667 执政能力建设:construction of ruling ability
668 思想创新:thought innovation
669 时代特征:era characteristics
670 青年毛泽东:youth Mao Zedong
671 自然的人化:humanization of nature
672 设立:set up
673 青年大学生:college students
674 战略思想:strategic idea
675 农村公社:rural commune
676 廉价政府:inexpensive government
677 人民主权:people sovereignty
678 国际共产主义运动:international communist movement
679 政策启示:policy inspiration
680 相辅相成:supplement each other
681 政策思想:Policy thought
682 学科研究:Subject research
683 《解放日报》:Jiefang Daily
684 传媒公信力:media credibility
685 人民代表大会:people's congress
686 执政资源:governing resources
687 新探索:new exploration
688 社会批判理论:social critical theory
689 战略原则:strategic principles
690 科学论:science studies
691 理性形而上学:rational metaphysics
692 历史合理性:historical rationality
693 人的主体性:Human Subjectivity
694 生态文明建设:ecological civilization
695 中国共产党人:Chinese communists
696 道德榜样:moral example
697 毛泽东精神:Mao Zedong spirit
698 逻辑与历史:logic and history
699 中间党派:the middle parties
700 平民教育:grassroots education