401 《德意志意识形态》:German Ideology
402 法哲学:Law philosophy
403 社会主义运动:socialist movement
404 人类解放:human emancipation
405 创作实践:creative practice
406 职业教育思想:vocational education thought
407 社会主义民主政治:Socialist democracy
408 青年教育:youth education
409 华盛顿会议:Washington conference
410 中华传统文化:chinese traditional culture
411 中国青年:Chinese youth
412 思想渊源:ideological origin
413 经典理论:Classical theory
414 科学创新:science innovation
415 干部队伍:Cadre team
416 传播路径:propagation path
417 共产党宣言:Communist Manifesto
418 共产主义社会:Communist society
419 民本思想:people-oriented thought
420 一分为三:one divides Into three
421 信息思维:information thinking
422 宗教观:View of religion
423 晚年:old age
424 人的存在:human existence
425 大革命:Great Revolution
426 社会主义思想:socialist thought
427 国家资本主义:state capitalism
428 妇女观:view of women
429 空想社会主义:utopian socialism
430 罗莎·卢森堡:Rosa Luxemburg
431 生态社会:ecological society
432 时代性:the times
433 建设目标:construction goal
434 全面小康社会:well-off society
435 社会进步:social development
436 社会思潮:social trend of thought
437 心理体验:psychological experience
438 自主活动:locomotor activity
439 时间维度:time dimension
440 指导意义:guiding significance
441 执政党建设:construction of the ruling party
442 语言分析:language analysis
443 物质本体论:Material Ontology
444 原子弹:atomic bomb
445 非公有制经济:non-public-owned economy
446 主观原因:subjective reason
447 心理学研究:psychological research
448 阶段划分:Stage division
449 继承发展:Inheritance and development
450 人的现代化:modernization of man