701 理论逻辑:theoretical logic
702 剩余价值论:Theory of surplus value
703 社会主义价值观:socialist values
704 政治与行政:politics and administration
705 哲学信仰:philosophical belief
706 再生产理论:reproduction theory
707 中国知识分子:Chinese intellectual
708 党政关系:party-government relationship
709 历史理论:historical theory
710 社会活力:social vitality
711 普遍价值:universal value
712 秋收起义:Autumn Harvest Uprising
713 制度实践:System practice
714 大学生心理健康教育:mental health education of college students
715 古田会议:Gutian Conference
716 灌输理论:Indoctrination Theory
717 中国特色社会主义道路:socialist road with Chinese characteristics
718 资本全球化:capital globalization
719 双重使命:dual mission
720 中国马克思主义哲学:Chinese Marxist philosophy
721 整风运动:Rectification Campaign
722 交往实践:communicative practice
723 民主价值:democratic value
724 生产力理论:productivity theory
725 中心任务:central task
726 政治暴力:political violence
727 意识形态国家机器:ideological state apparatuses
728 思想政治教育功能:ideological and political education function
729 公共财产:public property
730 教师主导作用:teachers leading role
731 文本研究:Text research
732 生存本体论:existential ontology
733 生产力标准:standard of productive forces
734 政党建设:party construction
735 对外开放思想:Thought of opening to the outside world
736 两个务必:Two Musts
737 《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》:Theses on Feuerbach
738 胡乔木:Hu Qiaomu
739 宗教理论:religious theory
740 中国文化传统:Chinese cultural tradition
741 马克思主义大众化:Popularization of Marxism
742 新认识:new recognition
743 艰苦奋斗:plain living and hard struggle
744 中央与地方关系:Central-local Relations
745 战略思路:strategic thoughts
746 实际问题:actual problem
747 人和自然:man and nature
748 全面建设小康社会:build a well-off society in an all-round way
749 历史功绩:historical achievements
750 自然过程:natural process