351 文风:writing style
352 城市社会学:Urban sociology
353 经济伦理:business ethics
354 实践活动:Practical Activities
355 历史条件:historical conditions
356 历史局限:historical limitation
357 红色资源:red resources
358 《资本论》:On Capital
359 现实依据:realistic basis
360 统筹兼顾:overall consideration
361 历史启示:historical enlightenment
362 行政管理体制:administrative management system
363 基本特点:basic features
364 理论构建:theory construction
365 物质生活:Material life
366 农民运动:peasant movement
367 发展经验:Development experience
368 农业文化:Agricultural culture
369 出发点:starting point
370 法律权威:Authority of Law
371 道德标准:moral standard
372 人化自然:humanized nature
373 商品拜物教:commodity fetishism
374 新境界:New Realm
375 李光耀:Lee Kuan Yew
376 国际局势:international situation
377 巴黎公社:Paris Commune
378 写作理论:writing theory
379 法律意义:legal significance
380 环境伦理学:environment ethics
381 局部战争:local war
382 和谐理念:harmonious idea
383 中华人民共和国:the People's Republic of China
384 个人发展:personal development
385 人民公社:people's Commune
386 阶级属性:class attribute
387 毛泽东诗词:Mao Zedong Poems
388 政治智慧:political wisdom
389 文化领导权:cultural leadership
390 异化劳动:alienation of labor
391 社会批判:social critique
392 相对真理:relative truth
393 交往理论:Communication Theory
394 理论教育:theory education
395 文化性格:cultural personality
396 个人所有制:individual ownership
397 生产资料:Means of production
398 思想政治理论:ideological and political theory
399 社会主义道德:Socialist Morality
400 现实启示:realistic enlightenment