201 李达:Li Da
202 毛泽东思想:Mao Zedong Thoughts
203 精神价值:spiritual value
204 劳动分工:division of labor
205 当代价值:modern value
206 政治资源:political resources
207 社会有机体:social organism
208 文化思想:cultural thought
209 科学思想:scientific thought
210 信仰危机:Belief crisis
211 精神实质:spiritual essence
212 阶级性:class nature
213 民族问题:national problem
214 阶级意识:class consciousness
215 人的价值:human value
216 客观规律:objective law
217 信仰教育:belief education
218 社会形态:social form
219 社会主义改造:socialist transformation
220 后工业社会:post-industrial society
221 理论探索:theoretical exploration
222 国家:The State
223 核武器:nuclear weapon
224 理性认识:rational knowledge
225 基本范畴:basic category
226 文化生产:cultural production
227 政治实践:political practice
228 经济建设:Economic development
229 社会作用:social function
230 理想社会:ideal society
231 青年工作:youth work
232 民族平等:national equality
233 理论渊源:theoretical origin
234 物理过程:physical process
235 平等权:equal rights
236 大跃进:Great Leap Forward
237 《共产党宣言》:Manifesto of the Communist Party
238 自由发展:free development
239 军事技术:military technology
240 概念分析:concept analysis
241 智育:Intellectual education
242 对外战略:foreign strategy
243 原始社会:Primitive society
244 小农经济:small-scale peasant economy
245 合作制:Cooperative system
246 物质生产:Dry matter production
247 新唯物主义:new materialism
248 文艺理论:theory of literature and art
249 权力监督:Power supervision
250 文化建设:cultural building