551 时代意义:time significance
552 人的异化:Human alienation
553 群众性:mass character
554 古为今用:Making the past serve the present
555 内在矛盾:inner contradiction
556 历史唯物论:Historical materialism
557 理性人:rational people
558 民生问题:livelihood issues
559 农村文化建设:rural culture construction
560 巴黎和会:Paris Peace Conference
561 人民利益:people's interest
562 文化现代化:culture modernization
563 客观实在:objective reality
564 三个世界:three worlds
565 科技思想:science and technology thought
566 社会主义经济理论:socialist economic theory
567 世界革命:World Revolution
568 分析的马克思主义:Analytical Marxism
569 斯密:Adam Smith
570 现实思考:Realistic Thinking
571 古典哲学:classical philosophy
572 人类历史:human history
573 当代发展:contemporary development
574 自由王国:Realm of Freedom
575 社会主义发展:Socialist Development
576 马克思主义哲学中国化:sinicization of Marxist philosophy
577 社会主义实践:socialist practice
578 政治监督:Political supervision
579 建国初期:the early days of New China
580 劳动时间:labor time
581 新全球化:new globalization
582 现代化思想:modernization thoughts
583 人口理论:population theory
584 历史趋势:historical trend
585 湘学:Hu'nan academics
586 科学世界:scientific world
587 历史贡献:historic contributions
588 治水:water control
589 科学观:science outlook
590 统计规律:statistical rule
591 新一代:new generation
592 理论联系实际:combining theory with practice
593 全球问题:global problem
594 长期性:protracted nature
595 改革探索:Reform exploration
596 自然力:Natural forces
597 方法论原则:methodological principle
598 系统思想:Systematic thought
599 中译本:Chinese version
600 法权:legal right